
The World is Flat and The Cheap Revolution

Tom Friedman describes ten flatteners that have shrunk our world to a tiny size. He advocates that this is a critical inflection point and that Americans had better wake up to it or watch the world pass us by.

See more about the ten flatteners at David Graves blog or, for more in-depth, check out The Illumincated Innovant: The World is Flat.

You can also get an excellent overview of Friedman's talk to MIT students and staff describing the first three chapters of his book at:

What does this have to do with the Cheap Revolution?

Friedman's book outlines why The Cheap Revolution is happening. The Cheap Revolution describes how one should take advtange of it by examining how to buy on the cheap, different kinds of cheap and what kind of cheap should your company or business should present (if any) to the marketplace.

Skip Shuda will be talking more about this at the Science Center on April 5, 2006. Join us for this free event (lunch included!).

Buy Thomas Friedman's Book "The World is Flat."


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